CoastHills Community Foundation

In 2005, CoastHills Credit Union established the CoastHills Community Foundation, to provide a tax-exempt vehicle for members, staff, and outside organizations to make charitable contributions that will serve critical community needs.

The foundation's mission is straightforward: Serve The Underserved. This speaks to the core of why credit unions exist. Fueled by donations, it seeks out and provides funding to organizations that provide critical supplies such as books and clothing for underprivileged youth, financial literacy, and all within its field of membership.


Recent News from CoastHills Community Foundation

Soup for Good: 15th Annual Lompoc Empty Bowls Lunch March 20
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

Jolene's Elegant Hair Fashion, Robert Coe, Engen Enterprises (Taco Bell) and CoastHills Community Foundation. The Empty Bowls committee is...more

Students plant oak trees at Los Flores Ranch
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

Transportation buses for the 65 kindergarten, first and second grade students were provided by the CoastHills Credit Union's Community...more

CoastHills helps raise $72000 for Marian Regional Medical Center expansion
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

The CoastHills Community Foundation's Rancho Vino raised money for the hospital by selling sponsorships, event tickets, bottles of special...more

CoastalHills Credit Union awards 18 community college students
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

Supported by the CoastHills Community Foundation, the Gold Standard Scholarship program significantly expanded this year in both...more

Hancock College raises nearly $12 million in external funding
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

Donations have come from the CoastHills Community Foundation, G. Haas Foundation and Pacific Gas and Electric Co., added to a $785,000...more

CoastHills Community Foundation Awards $75000 to the Mission Hope Cancer Center
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

The Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation is pleased to announce that Marian Cancer Care and the Mission Hope Cancer Center are...more

CoastHills Community Foundation awards scholarships to students
Foundation: CoastHills Community Foundation

Fatima Cacho is president for Cabrillo High School's Class of 2014. She plays clarinet and served as manager of the school's marching...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

First Enterprise Business Agency (FEBA), a Nottingham-based business support organization, is a contender for two categories at the first Citi Microentrepreneurship Awards to be held this coming February.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders