Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation was established since 1996 in memory of Doris Duke. The activities of the foundation is guided by her will, where she endowed her financial assets that totaled apporximately $1.6 bilion as of December 31, 2010.

The mission of the foundation is to improve the quality of people's lives through grants supporting perming arts, environmental conservation, medical research and the prevention of child abuse, and through preservation of the cultural and environmental legacy of Doris Duke's properties.

The foundation supports four national programs; the Arts Program, the Environment Program, the Medical Research Program, and the Child Abuse Prevention Program. They also support three properties owned by Doris Duke in Hillsborough, New Jersey; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Newport, Rhode Island.

Web Address

Social Media Links

Twitter - @DorisDukeFdn

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

LA Stage Alliance CEO Terence McFarland to Step Down
Foundation: California Community Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, James Irvine Foundation, Irvine Foundation

... Foundation, Bill Bordy, California Arts Council, California Community Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, The James Irvine...more

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Accepting Grant Proposals to Strengthen Performing Arts
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Through its Fund for National Projects, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation awards up to $1 million in grants annually in support of national...more

Shubert Foundation Awards $22.5 Million to Performing Arts Groups
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Shubert Foundation in New York City has announced grants totaling $22.5 million to four hundred and seventy nonprofit performing arts...more

The jazz windfall at the Doris Duke Awards
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

... and Muhal Richard Abrams to guitarist Ben Monder, who are among the recipients of Doris Duke Charitable Foundation awards announced...more

Oregon Shakespeare Festival Receives $1 Million Grant from Doris ...
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) has been chosen by The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) to receive a $1 million grant to aid the Festival as...more

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Bequeaths Awards to Two Baylor Physician Researchers
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation supports Drs. Neil Hanchard and Sandesh Nagamani of Baylor College of Medicine to become independent clinical researchers through a career developmental...more

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation awards Childsplay $155K
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) has announced Childsplay is one of the first participants in a non-traditional residency program, awarding the company $150,000. Childsplay will use the...more

Doris Duke Foundation Awards Grant to Continue Research Fellowships in ...
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

UCSF is one of six medical schools that will receive a total of $5.2 million in grant funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) to offer clinical research fellowships in global health...more

New England Foundation for the Arts Receives $3.3 Million
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The New England Foundation for the Arts receives a new $3.3 million grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to support the National Dance Project. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has a...more

Anne Bogart Named Awarded Doris Duke Artist Grant
Foundation: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has named Columbia University School of the Arts Theatre Arts Professor Anne Bogart to the first class of Doris Duke Artists. As part of this unprecedented new...more

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