Since 1937 the Monterey Peninsula Foundation has consistently hosted world-class golf charity events, using the proceeds to power positive community change across Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties.
The mission of and everything the foundation does centers on golf and giving.
We are proud to announce that The Community Foundation for Monterey County (CFMC) and Monterey Peninsula Foundation (MPF) are working hard to meet those needs, and we have some exciting news to...more
The Hospice Foundation has received a grant of $75000 from Community Foundation for Monterey County to fund local end-of-life care services for children, and a $45000 grant from Monterey Peninsula...more
To streamline the grant application for Monterey County nonprofits, the Community Foundation for Monterey County, United Way Monterey County, First 5 Monterey County, Harden Foundation and Monterey...more