... Sheraton Hotel Thursday hosted by Philanthropy West Virginia and The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation. ... known as the “Grand Bargain” among the philanthropic community, city pensioners,...more
Philanthropy West Virginia and the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation will ... and discussion among philanthropic leaders including board members, CEOs, ... Breakfast is $20 for Philanthropy WV/WVNPA...more
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Board of Trustees has approved the distribution of the first collaborative grants under their new strategic...more
Charleston GazetteCHARLESTON, W.Va. -- At its June meeting, The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Board of Trustees approved distributing $435,882 for 21 grants that relate to health and human...more
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation is the largest community foundation in central Appalachia, and consistently ranks among the top 100 in the U.S., Ceperley said. Also Tuesday, Wayne Fawbush, with...more
The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation has awarded a $79790 grant to a West Virginia University Eye Institute outreach program that assists children suffering from visual impairments in rural West...more
Becky Ceperley, President and CEO of The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, was very happy to announce that the foundation has recently celebrated its 50th year of improving lives and its...more