eBay Foundation

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Recent News from eBay Foundation

Marshall County Organizations Receive Grants

Photo by Drew Parker John Marshall High School science instructor Ryan Asbury accepts a Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley grant...more

Community Foundation Ireland's grant giving grows

The Community Foundation Ireland increased its grant funding in 2014 to €3.8 million from €3.5 million the previous year, according to its...more

Business briefs: Wasdin receives chamber honor
Foundation: eBay Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

... Art Festival Inc., has been awarded a $3,750 grant from the eBay Foundation Corporate Advised Fund at the Silicon Valley Community...more

Local organization receives grant for low-cost spay/neuter program
Foundation: eBay Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

... in need, was recently awarded a $1,500 grant from the eBay Foundation Corporation Advised Fund at Silicon Valley Community...more

A Holiday Reminder: Philanthropy as Philosophy - Forbes
Foundation: eBay Foundation

A Holiday Reminder: Philanthropy as Philosophy ... The result is Inspired Giving, our club's philanthropic division, which helps nonprofit organizations, schools...more

A Holiday Reminder: Philanthropy as Philosophy
Foundation: eBay Foundation

The result is Inspired Giving, our club's philanthropic division, which helps nonprofit organizations, schools and hospitals across the country raise much-needed funds by providing Inspirato...more

Community Foundation for Ireland Made €1.7 Million in 2011

The result is Inspired Giving, our club's philanthropic division, which helps nonprofit organizations, schools and hospitals across the country raise much-needed funds by providing Inspirato...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

First Enterprise Business Agency (FEBA), a Nottingham-based business support organization, is a contender for two categories at the first Citi Microentrepreneurship Awards to be held this coming February.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders