The Arca Foundation

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Arca Foundation

The Arca Foundation Offers Nonprofits Grants for Social Justice and Equality
Foundation: Arca Foundation

The Arca Foundation provides grants to advance social equity and justice as part of a national campaign or project. Applicants can ask for...more

Left-wing foundations lavish millions on Media Matters
Foundation: Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Tides Foundation

By David Martosko Relying on tax returns and websites of wealthy US foundations, a Daily Caller investigation has revealed the sources of more than $28.8 million in funding collected by the liberal...more

Congratulations, You “Provocative” Guy Glenn Beck! MSNBC, Media Matters and George Soros (Indirectly) Are After You « RBO
Foundation: Open Society Institute, Arca Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Tides Foundation

Media Matters receives financial support from the Tides Foundation, the Arca Foundation, the Peninsula Community Foundation, and the San Francisco Foundation. As MacRanger of commented...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders