These Community Vital Signs are inspired by a project of the City of San José to develop a tool to help catalyze and facilitate discussions on community improvement.

Community Vital Signs integrate a multitude of local, state, and federal data sources using a unique methodology to develop a better understanding of a community needs.

For more information on customizing Community Vital Signs for your community, contact Michael Saunders.

Community Vital Signs by Census Tracts in Doddridge County

Community Vital Signs

* Grants from Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, National Philanthropic Trust, Schwab Charitable and Vanguard Charitable Endowment.

Investigate Other Index Elements

Broadband Subscription (% of pop.) - Percentage of population with a broadband subscription

Broadband Subscription (% of pop.) - Percentage of population with a broadband subscription

Cellular_SubscriptionCellular Data Subscription (% of pop.) - Percentage of population with a cellular data subscription

Population without high school education (% of pop. ages 18-24 without high school diploma or equivalent) - Percent of population aged 18-24 without high school diploma or equivalent

PreschoolPreschool Enrollment (% of 3 & 4 year olds) - Percentage of three and four year olds enrolled in school

Diabetes Prevalence (% of adults) - Percentage of adults aged 20 and above with diagnosed diabetes.

ObesityObesity Prevalence (% of adults) - Percentage of adults that report a BMI of 30 or more.

Mental_HealthPoor Mental Health Days - The average number of days a tract's adult respondents report that their mental health was not good, based on the survey question: "Thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?"

Housing Cost Burden (% of households, owners) - Percentage of owned housing units with cost greater than 30% of household income.

Housing Cost Burden (% of households, owners) - Percentage of owned housing units with cost greater than 30% of household income.

Housing_Burden_RentersHousing Cost Burden (% of households, renters) - Percentage of rented housing units with cost greater than 30% of household income.

OvercrowdingHousing Overcrowding (% of households) - Percentage of households with more than one occupant per room.

Dental Care Visits (% of adults) - Rate of visits to dentist or dental clinic for adults aged >=18 in the previous year

Preventative_CarePreventative Care Visits (% of adults) - Rate of visits to doctor for routine checkup for adults >=18 in the previous year

Advanced Degree Holders (% of pop. age 25+) - Percent of population 25 and older whose highest degree attained is a Master's, professional school degree, or Doctorate

Advanced Degree Holders (% of pop. age 25+) - Percent of population 25 and older whose highest degree attained is a Master's, professional school degree, or Doctorate

AssociatesAssociates Degree Holders (% of pop. age 25+) - Percent of population 25 and older whose highest degree attained is an Associate's degree

BachelorsBachelors Degree Holders (% of pop. age 25+) - Percent of population 25 and older whose highest degree attained is a Bachelor's degree

Alternative Transportation Usage (% of commuters) - Percentage of commuters taking public transit, biking, walking, or working remotely

Disconnected_YouthDisconnected Youth (% of 16-19 year olds) - Percentage of teens and young adults ages 16-19 who are neither working nor in school

Gender Pay Gap - Ratio of female to male median earnings in the past 12 months (2019 inflation-adjusted dollars)

Home Ownership (% of households) - Percentage of households that are owner-occupied

Select a State to Investigate County Vital Signs

Social Entrepreneurship

Wealthy Resource Generation: Tax Us More!

Resource Generation, a group of young people who grew up wealthy, wish to give something back. They published a letter this week that implies advocacy and participation in structural change that will ultimately improve the resourcing of schools in Pennsylvania.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders