Fundacao Djalma Batista Grant

Organization - Fundacao Djalma Batista
Grant Amount - $3,471,059
Foundation - Moore Foundation
Grant Purpose - Through grants to two partnering institutions, Fundação Djalma Batista (FDB) and the State of Amazonas' Environment and Sustainable Development Agency (SDS), this project will support SDS' plans to increase and improve the State's existing protected area system, as well as increase the capacity of both institutions to carry out such a program. Specifically, these grants will: 1) Support the creation of at least 10 new protected areas, totaling no less than 1.2 million hectares (five of them within a frontier zone); 2) Effective management of 10 new and 5 existing protected areas amounting to 10.6 million hectares; and 3) Develop sustainable policies and test their effectiveness in order to support the Amazonas State protected area system.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders