The mission of The James Irvine Foundation is to expand opportunity for the people of California to participate in a vibrant, successful and inclusive society.
James Irvine, a California agricultural pioneer, established the Irvine Foundation in 1937 to benefit the people of California. Over the last 70 years, the Foundation has met the objectives of its founder by providing over $1 billion in grants to more than 3,000 nonprofit organizations.
Or the city should contact the James Irvine Foundation, California Community Foundation or many others that are interested in improving the quality...more
The Fresno Regional Foundation awards $214,000 grants to organizations wishing to bolster the art and cultural experience in the San Joaquin Valley.
The Engagement Pathways grants aim to support...more
James Canales, chief executive of the James Irvine Foundation, announced Wednesday he will step down early next year to become the first president of the...more
James Irvine Foundation presents Central West Ballet a $110,000 two-year grant to provide interactive dance performances throughout the area.
Central West Ballet will use the funding to support...more
The Napa Valley Community Foundation is unveiling a report on the economic impact of immigration in Napa County called "Profile of Immigrants in Napa County", a study by the Washington, D.C.-based...more
Fresno State engineering and construction students will be helped through an $800,000 gift from the James Irvine Foundation, focusing attention on Linked Learning, which integrates real-word...more
Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.