The Open Society Foundations was established in 1979 by George Soros to help countries make the transition from communism.
The mission of the foundation is to work to build vibrant and tolerant society whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of the people. They seek to strengthen the rule of law, to shape public policies, to implement innitiatives, and to build alliances across borders and continents.
Working in various parts of the worl, the foundation places high priority on protecting and improving lives of people in marginalized communities.
Nor does it suggest that there's something inherently wrong with community foundations as a philanthropic vehicle. What it does reveal is how thoroughly...more
Today, such scholarships are worth $90,000, according to the foundation's web site. Nine years later, Tarek received the same scholarship to pursue a Ph.D at...more
Grants. The Obama Foundation gives grants to other foundations in Chicago and across the U.S.. In Chicago, the biggest contributions were $100,000...more
When Joe Biden announced the makeup of his transition team, the Capital Research Center noted that more than 20 team members were "identified as being employed by left-of-center philanthropic...more