The Baltimore Community Foundation

BCF works in partnership with other foundations, public agencies and the business sector, bringing a consistent voice of leadership to critical civic issues.

Assets and Giving for Baltimore Community Foundation


2019 - 207,318,938
2018 - 169,640,281
2017 - 171,107,789
Domestic Grants

2019 - 16,602,179
2018 - 16,968,042


Recent News from Baltimore Community Foundation

Closed-door task force on Baltimore school enrollment draws Open Meetings complaint
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation

The task force is “a research and fact-finding group” that was “not convened by the school board and is not a a policy or decision-making body,” Schober was told via email by school board...more

Cummings Fund Puts All of Its Assets Into Mission Investing, Making It Largest to Do So
Foundation: New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Baltimore Community Foundation

Regional grant makers that have started making mission investments include the Baltimore Community Foundation, the Incourage Community Foundation, and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. One...more

Power 10 Awards 2018: Calvin Butler, BGE
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation

He serves on the boards of several local organizations including the Baltimore Community Foundation, University of Maryland Medical Center, Greater Baltimore Committee, Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation, the...more

Ford Foundation and Rhodes Trust Get New Senior Leaders
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation, Ford Foundation

Shanaysha Sauls has been named president and CEO of the Baltimore Community Foundation. Since 2015, she has been CEO of the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women and also ran its foundation....more

Shanaysha Sauls named CEO of Baltimore Community Foundation
Foundation: Open Society Institute, Baltimore Community Foundation

The Baltimore Community Foundation (BCF) has named Shanaysha Sauls as its new CEO, replacing outgoing CEO Tom Wilcox, who led BCF since 2000. Sauls previously served as CEO of the Baltimore...more

Baltimore Community Foundation names new CEO
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation

Baltimore Community Foundation Board Chair Laura Gamble, chair of the Baltimore Community Foundation, said in a statement Sauls' "grounding in political theory and systems" and her...more

Leverage Point? A Foundation Sees School Libraries As a Key to Boosting Student Achievement
Foundation: Knight Foundation, Baltimore Community Foundation, Weinberg Foundation, The Weinberg Foundation

Stakeholders received guidance from three initiatives that had already completed their own renovations: The L!brary Initiative, a partnership of the Robin Hood Foundation and the New York City...more

Looking back at fun in the chair
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation

I also want to mention that at the planning session that I referenced above, we brought in another “consultant” to moderate that planning session; a gentleman who was working at the Baltimore...more

Rosenberg Martin Greenberg showcases 30 passion projects for 30th anniversary
Foundation: Baltimore Community Foundation

The idea was an extension of the firm's 25th anniversary celebration, for which it established the Rosenberg Martin Greenberg Continuing Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation, which supports...more

Diane Bell-McKoy
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore Community Foundation

In addition to her civic leadership, she also finds time to serve as board chair to Humanim, and sits on the boards of the Baltimore Community Foundation and the Baltimore Aspen Workgroup for...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders