The Nathan Cummings Foundation

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Nathan Cummings Foundation

This Funder is Laser-Focused on Immigration. Have You Heard of It?
Foundation: General Service Foundation, Levi Strauss Foundation, Bush Foundation, Ford Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Unbound Philanthropy

How can philanthropy support immigrants in a country that elected a blatantly ... The goal of the $25 million fund is to leverage philanthropic...more

Can Impact Investing Help Coastal Area Adapt to Climate Change?
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation

The biggest news to come out of impact investment world lately is, without a doubt, the decision from the Ford Foundation to put over $1 billion of...more

"No Time for Business as Usual." How a Progressive Funder is Changing in the Trump Era
Foundation: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Surdna Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation

And some of the biggest philanthropic responses to Trump, (or so we're ... may prove to be just as important as what we do with our...more

Second Thoughts: Why I Changed My Mind About Philanthropy and Public Policy
Foundation: Nathan Cummings Foundation

(See my rebuttal of the "pluralism defense" of philanthropy here.) ... With philanthropic dollars increasingly deployed as another form of money...more

2017 Artist Research and Development Grants
Foundation: Nathan Cummings Foundation

In addition to the Artist Research and Development Grant, the Arts ... Colby has been playing and composing music in a wide variety of contexts...more

Nathan Cummings Foundation Launches 2017 Fellowship Program
Foundation: Nathan Cummings Foundation

Economic and Community Development · Environment and Climate Change · Philanthropic & Nonprofit Sectors · Social Justice · PhilanthroPOST...more

Program Associates (2)
Foundation: Nathan Cummings Foundation

Field: Arts, Environment, Philanthropic advisors, Religion ... a strong track record as a leader and innovator in the philanthropic community. As a...more

In 2014 29 Orgs Committed $1.5 Billion to Impact Investing. Where's the Money after 18 Months?
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Case Foundation, Ford Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Nathan Cummings Foundation

29 organizations committed impact investing funds as part of the United ... “We're going to have some major new commitments of impact...more

Can Pop Culture Drive Social Change? These Foundations Think So.
Foundation: Nathan Cummings Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Unbound Philanthropy

... the omnipresent juggernaut that is pop culture, feel free to check out these reports by Unbound Philanthropy and the Nathan Cummings...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders