The Lilly Endowment, Inc. is an Indiana-polis-based private philantrhopic foundation established in 1873 by the members of the Lilly family; J.K. Lilly Sr., J.K. Lilly Jr., and Eli Lilly.
The foundation was formed through the stock gifts of their pharmaceutical company called the Eli Lilly and Company. However, the foundation is considered to be a separate entity from the company.
The foundation aims to help people in Indianapolis build a better life through supporting efforts of national significance and international projects.
Jasmine Durando, a senior at Tri-County, is one of those young leaders in our community that shines bright.She joined the Youth Philanthropy Council in January 2023.The YPC consists of sophomores,...more
Jennings County Community Foundation receives $750,000 from Lilly Endowment.Fund will be used to build unrestricted community grant endowment fund.Will also support several community partners,...more
Heritage Fund receives $1.5 million grant as part of Lilly Endowment's Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) GIFT is designed to help community foundations strengthen the towns, cities and...more
LaGrange County Community Foundation has received a matching fund grant totaling $750,000.The funds will be used to further develop the Foundation's unrestricted fund, the Caring Community Fund, and...more
LaGrange County Community Foundation receives $750,000 from Lilly Endowment.The money will be used to support the development of the Hawpatch Trail in Topeka.Donors interested in receiving a $2 for...more
Trine University has received a grant of $750,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc.The grant will support Science of Reading initiatives that the university's Franks are working on.University will be the...more
Community Foundation awarded $3.75 million matching grant from Lilly Endowment.The money will support the Community Impact Fund.The foundation is seeking donations to reach the full $5 million with...more
Kosciusko County Community Foundation received a matching fund grant totaling $1.5 million as part of the eighth phase of Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT VIII) Lilly Endowment has awarded...more
Indiana is adding $500 million to its coffers and the Lilly Endowment is throwing in $250 million for community and economic development programs designed by communities themselves, the Columbus...more