Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The foundation was founded on December 1994 and was first named as the William H. Gates Foundation. The main focus of the foundation were global health and community needs in the Pacific North west.

In October 2006, the foundation created two trust structure called Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which distributes grant money, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust which manages endowment assets.

The foundation believes that every life has an equal value. They work to help all people lead a healthy life. In developing countries, they focus on the improvement of people's health and lifting them out of hunger and poverty. In the United States, they seek to ensure that people have access to opportunities that would lead them to succeed in school and in life.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Gates Foundation

Alex Daniels of The Chronicle of Philanthropy - Fortune
Foundation: Gates Foundation

Alex Daniels of The Chronicle of Philanthropy. 1 page. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates · SuccessBill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledges over $1...more

Gates Foundation donates $1 billion to prioritize math education - Portland Press Herald
Foundation: Gates Foundation

But it will cut grants to other subjects like reading, writing, and the arts. By ALEX DANIELSChronicle of...more

Bill Gates weighs in on climate progress at the inaugural Breakthrough Energy Summit in Seattle
Foundation: Gates Foundation

This special series focuses on important community issues, innovative ... the Bill Gates-led effort to stoke innovation in climate...more

Gates Foundation pledges $1.2B to eradicate polio globally - WSB-TV
Foundation: Gates Foundation

BERLIN — (AP) — The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it will commit $1.2 billion to the effort to end polio...more

Gates Foundation pledges $1.2B to eradicate polio globally - Seattle PI
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Hearst Foundation

BERLIN (AP) — The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it will ... Imagine Children's Museum has been awarded a grant by Hearst...more

Gates Foundation Polio | Us |
Foundation: Gates Foundation

Tags · Ap · Social Affairs · Philanthropy · Philanthropic Foundations · Health · Diseases And Conditions · Infectious Diseases · Polio And Post-polio...more

Gates Foundation Polio | Health |
Foundation: Gates Foundation

Social Affairs · Philanthropy · Philanthropic Foundations · Health · Diseases And Conditions · Infectious Diseases · Polio And Post-polio...more

Gates Foundation pledges $1.2B to eradicate polio globally - AP News
Foundation: Gates Foundation Click to copy. Related...more

Gates pledges $1.2 billion to speed end of crippling poliovirus | National |
Foundation: Gates Foundation

Now the billionaire's philanthropic foundation is pledging $1.2 billion to complete the mission. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...more

The Celo Foundation Aims To Bring $20B In Impact Investing Funds To Web3 By 2025
Foundation: Gates Foundation

Bono's foundation is putting its money where its mouth is, in the form of a pledge from some of the world's biggest investors to invest at least 2% of their investments in social impact projects over...more

Illustrative Grants from Gates Foundation

United Way of King County-$1,500,000

University of California Berkeley Foundation-$250,000

Education Writers Association-$960,962

Business-Higher Education Forum-$910,000

Higher Education Policy Institute-$5,384,226

Center For Law And Social Policy-$400,000

Building Changes-$750,000

Building Changes-$5,383,920

Washington Low Income Housing Alliance-$335,508


Social Enterprise Network Sites

San Francisco-based SWAP Socks is a social enterprise startup that is utilizing mismatched socks to raise awareness and help improve preventable blindness and visual impairment.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders