Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (NY)

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation was established in 1934 by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. The foundation believes that a carefully reasoned and systematic understanding of the forces of nature and society, when applied inventively and wisely, can lead to a better world for all.

The foundation makes grants to support original research and broad-based education that is related to science, technology, and economic performance; and to improve the quality of American life. They believe that the scholars and practitioners who work in these fields are chief drivers of the nation's health and prosperity.

The foundation is interested in projects that strongly benefits the society, and for which funding from the private sector, the government, or other foundations is not widely available.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Science Philanthropy Alliance Announces New Members, Benefactor, and Board Members
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Packard Foundation, Simons Foundation

Science Philanthropy Alliance Announces Rita Allen Foundation and Heising-Simons Foundation as Members, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation as a Benefactor. Elizabeth Good Christopherson of...more

'Search' Wins Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Film Prize – Sundance
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Sundance Institute and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation revealed the winners of $71,000 worth of grants today, and Aneesh Chaganty's Search won the Feature Film Prize. John Cho and Debra Messing star...more

BIDS receives Sloan Foundation Grant to contribute to NumPy development
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support the development of NumPy, the fundamental array...more

In a New Golden Age of Astronomy, Millions to Map the Universe
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Moore Foundation, Simons Foundation

Meanwhile, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation—a longtime stalwart of science funding—is the patient and deep-pocketed funder behind the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which has been mapping the...more

Rockefeller Foundation's Khan on How to Drive Systems Change
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation

News type. Member News. Funding Area. Philanthropic & Nonprofit Sectors · PhilanthroPOST logo. Recent News. Alfred P. Sloan...more

Williams College President Adam Falk to step down in December
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Falk, who led the college for eight years, has accepted the presidency of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in New York. The foundation makes...more

Julia Computing Awarded $910000 Grant by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Including $160000 for ...
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Julia Computing CEO Viral Shah says, “Diversity of backgrounds increases diversity of ideas. With this grant, the Sloan Foundation is setting a...more

Julia Computing Awarded $910000 Grant by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Julia Computing CEO Viral Shah says, “Diversity of backgrounds increases diversity of ideas. With this grant, the Sloan Foundation is setting a...more

Marjorie Prime Wins Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Feature Film Prize at 2017 Sundance Film Festival
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

These activities are part of The Sundance Institute Science-In-Film Initiative, which is made possible by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan...more

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awards grant for arXiv upgrade
Foundation: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The Sloan Foundation grant will fund the creation of a detailed blueprint for next-generation arXiv – to be known as arXiv-NG – allowing planners...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders