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Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from

How to Become A Volunteer At Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary

The Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary's R-PAWS program is on the lookout for new volunteers.The roughly 50 families currently volunteering are in charge of funding the caging and feeding of these...more

A Pittsfield Neighborhood Is About to Get 40 Native Trees Thanks to A State Grant

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

Dodge County getting $200000 state grant to improve the Renovation ReUse facility - KIMT

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

West Lafayette receives $581K from state grant for resurfacing roads - Journal & Courier

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

State grant will help county improve dilapidated Moses Lane - Daily Press

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

Clarksville installs new remote system to enhance traffic control - The Leaf-Chronicle

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

State grant aims to boost childcare in rural Nebraska

Pittsfield has been awarded $65,800 through the Cooling Corridors Grant Program to plant 40 native shade trees.The city has removed many dead or problematic trees from the area over time without...more

Years Ago

A group of Realtors and their families from the Mahoning Valley unfurled a banner in front of the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Mich., 40 years ago.200,000 cards and letters from Valley...more

CyManII launches micro-learning series to help children avoid online threats | UTSA Today

A group of Realtors and their families from the Mahoning Valley unfurled a banner in front of the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Mich., 40 years ago.200,000 cards and letters from Valley...more

OpenAI Donates $50 Million for AI Use in Research at Harvard, 14 Other Institutions

A group of Realtors and their families from the Mahoning Valley unfurled a banner in front of the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Mich., 40 years ago.200,000 cards and letters from Valley...more

Illustrative Grants from

Center on Education Policy-$100,000

Northeast States Center for a Clean Air Future-$20,000

Transportation and Land Use Coalition-$32,000

International Center for Not-for-Profit Law-$300,000

Somos Mayfair-$28,010

Somos Mayfair-$28,010

Transportation and Land Use Coalition-$32,000

Reproductive Health Technologies Project-$32,000

Reproductive Health Technologies Project-$32,000

MBA-Nonprofit Connection-$55,000

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Get your company’s top dogs engaged more in volunteer work and giving back programs through these 5 helpful steps: 1) Attend volunteering events, 2) Send some emails, 3) Put your money where your mouth is, 4) Board up, and 5) Celebrate successes.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders