Philanthropy is good, therefore that's a fine thing. But it is ... MacKenzie Bezos is the most visible emblem to date of an important philanthropic...more
“The Gospel of Wealth” has been called the “ur-text of modern philanthropy. ... The “Gospel” also prompted the ur-critiques of philanthropy. ..... It is difficult to say what fraction of...more
In fact, this is among the very oldest strategies of philanthropy: One of America's first foundations, the Russell Sage Foundation, was established in 1907 ... Along with other early philanthropic...more
Today's youth are increasingly unhappy with the way their elders are running the world. Their ire was most recently expressed when thousands of teenagers and others across the country marched on...more
They became billionaires and ramped up their philanthropy. Sandler Foundation grants have gone to an array of institutions, quite a few that it helped created, including the American Asthma...more
The Russell Sage Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of sociologist Mario Luis Small to its board of trustees. Small is currently Grafstein Family Professor at Harvard University. He is...more
The Charles Koch Foundation is one of several Koch family philanthropic entities and tends to focus its giving on colleges and universities. In fact,...more
25, 1982, that the philanthropic company shipped its first bottles of olive oil... more » · Russell Sage Foundation to Publish Book on Home Health...more
Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.