Puerto Rico Community Foundation Inc.

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Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Puerto Rico Community Foundation

SVCF works with Puerto Rico Community Foundation to raise funds for post-hurricane rebuilding ...
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

More than 6 months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, thousands of people on the island are still without reliable electricity. To help victims of the hurricane and support efforts to...more

The Equity Question in Ford's Philanthropic Approach to Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Ford Foundation

These are not new questions for philanthropy, but they are vitally important. In the same El Nuevo Dia article, Frankie Miranda, senior vice president at the Hispanic [sic] Federation, says, “From...more

Strengthening Puerto Rico Nonprofits: Two Philanthropic Approaches
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

These two stories offer a glimpse into how the framing of the problem shapes the solutions, and, in this case, investments, which have shifted since the storm. One is the community foundation, which...more

Two Philanthropic Approaches to Strengthening Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

NPQ recently talked to two foundation executives in Puerto Rico about philanthropic investments on the island, especially post-Hurricane Maria, and found that while both are focused .... She says,...more

Grants Roundup: MacArthur Gives $100 Million for Syrian Refugee Education Program
Foundation: Moore Foundation, Puerto Rico Community Foundation, San Francisco Foundation

San Francisco Foundation. $4 million to the Puerto Rico Community Foundation for the island's continuing relief efforts following Hurricane Maria. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. $3 million to the...more

Cleveland Foundation, Federation give $75K to Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Cleveland Foundation

The foundation gave a $50,000 grant to the Puerto Rico Community Foundation which is specifically designated for hurricane relief efforts in...more

Here's How Clevelanders Can Donate to Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

All donations will be transferred directly to the Puerto Rico Community Foundation (Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico) and designated...more

Northeast Ohio Residents Struggle to Get Aid to Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

The money will go to the Puerto Rico Community Foundation and will be designated for hurricane relief. “Because some commodities have a shelf...more

Knight Foundation donates $2.5 million for hurricane aid in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
Foundation: Knight Foundation, Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Some of the organizations that will get funding are: Unidos por Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Community Foundation and The Miami Foundation's...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders