Puerto Rico Community Foundation Inc.

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Recent News from Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Can Crypto Actually Help Puerto Rico After Hurricane Fiona?
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

"An official emergency has been declared, which means in the tax program, your physical presence time is suspended," cryptocurrency investor Hayden Bowles says in a video posted to TikTok this...more

Ways to Help Puerto Rico After Hurricane Fiona | Seattle Met
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

The group opened its Relief and Rebuild Fund to collect donations specifically for those affected by Fiona. Puerto Rico Community Foundation. This...more

Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Racial Equity Building Institute for the Americas, 2020-07515
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Racial Equity Building Institute for the Americas, 2020-07515 The Puerto Rico Community Foundation plans...more

Connecting Paths PR Inc. graduates 18 women seamstresses in midst of pandemic
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

... Foundation to Connecting Paths PR Inc., aimed at promoting economic activation through solidarity business self-management, the nonprofits...more

PR Community Foundation, Amgen lead $625K COVID-19 community prevention initiative
Foundation: Central Florida Foundation, Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Amgen Foundation, Chicago Community Trust

The strategy is based on preventing and containing COVID-19 in several island towns through community health clinics — known as Centers 330 —...more

Remaking the Economic System in Puerto Rico: A Case Study
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

First, NPQ senior editor Cyndi Suarez interviews Dr. Nelson Colón of the Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Community...more

PR Community Foundation To Congress: How Solar Can Help Rebuild The Island
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

On Tuesday, Dr. Nelson Colón, president of the Puerto Rico Community Foundation, testified before the U.S. House Committee on Natural...more

Beyond the storm
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

The Progreso Latino Fund, the philanthropic arm of the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven dedicated to supporting the local...more

Equity: A Key Lens for Rebuilding Puerto Rico
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Cleveland Foundation

The foundation has a very targeted housing strategy focused on Loíza, the island's poorest municipality. It has partnered with the mayor of Loíza,...more

Argilagos, Dorfman, Colón: Puerto Rico must be helped before it's too late
Foundation: Puerto Rico Community Foundation

Yet in 2015, Puerto Rico received only about $5 million in philanthropic funds. Compare that with economically distressed cities such as Detroit,...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Charities Aid Foundation has set up a scheme, called the Social Enterprise Assist, that will render interest-free loans of up to £10,000 each to help social enterprise start-ups.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders