John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (FL)

Knight foundation is a private, independent foundation that started with the Knight family's belief in the value of education. The Knight Memorial Education Fund was established in 1940 to provide financial aid to college students from the Akron area.

The Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities, and foster the arts.

They help sustain democracy by leading journalism to its best possible future in the 21st century. They focus on funding Media Innovation, Journalistic Excellence, and Freedom of Expression.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Knight Foundation

Press Forward Alaska: Philanthropic Support For Local Journalism
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Alaska Community Foundation

Press Forward Alaska is the first statewide chapter of a nationwide initiative launched last November.In Alaska, the local philanthropic partner is the Atwood Foundation, a charity endowed by the...more

Big Philanthropy to the Rescue? Think Again.
Foundation: Carnegie Corporation of New York, MacArthur Foundation

America's mega-donors are putting their money where their mouth is in an effort to save our democracy, the New York Times reports. "Big Philanthropy is casting itself in the role of superhero,"...more

Tim Penny: Statewide collaborations for thriving rural communities - Austin Daily Herald
Foundation: Initiative Foundation, Knight Foundation, McKnight Foundation

America's mega-donors are putting their money where their mouth is in an effort to save our democracy, the New York Times reports. "Big Philanthropy is casting itself in the role of superhero,"...more

Philanthropic Funding For Local Journalism Is on the Rise, Study Says
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation

Local journalism is gaining philanthropic support from a variety of funders.The big investors include groups like the American Journalism Project, the National Trust for Local News and the...more

Knight Foundation Supports Three Local Nonprofits With $200,000
Foundation: Central Carolina Community Foundation, Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation is committed to ensuring Columbia has a vibrant, equitable, and inclusive public life.Riverbanks Foundation's Women and Minority Business Development Accelerator Program advances...more

Knight Foundation Ceo: To Preserve Democracy, Philanthropy Must Move At Speed of News
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation

In 2016, the U.S.lost its status as a "full democracy" and entered the category of "flawed democracy," according to the Economist Intelligence Unit's annual Democracy Index.Knight announced Press...more

Columbus 2025, Boys &Amp; Girls Club Unveils New Community-Inspired Mural
Foundation: Knight Foundation

Painted Spaces Project commissions community-inspired murals in areas with limited public art access.Carlie Hedges was chosen for the Boys & Girls Club project as her style and previous works reflect...more

National Arts Summit Explores the Transformative Power of Culture in Our Communities
Foundation: Barr Foundation, Knight Foundation, Heinz Endowments, Joyce Foundation, Kresge Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Hewlett Foundation

"At this moment marked by threats to our democracy, the arts and humanities are an asset to our country that allows us to understand each other better," Maria Rosario Jackson, chair of the National...more

News philanthropy leader Karen Rundlet to helm INN as CEO | Editor and Publisher
Foundation: Knight Foundation

Philanthropy leader and multimedia journalist Karen Rundlet will become chief executive officer of the Institute for Nonprofit News...more

Gala breaks Coral Gables Community Foundation records - Miami's Community News
Foundation: Coral Gables Community Foundation, Knight Foundation

This year, the Community Foundation awarded more than $400k in scholarships to graduating high school students, and more than $286k in grants to...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

The Larder Cook School in West Lothian is a social enterprise that trains young people for a career in the food business. Recently, the school has launched a crowdfunder to help it teach another 80 students a year.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders