John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (FL)

Knight foundation is a private, independent foundation that started with the Knight family's belief in the value of education. The Knight Memorial Education Fund was established in 1940 to provide financial aid to college students from the Akron area.

The Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities, and foster the arts.

They help sustain democracy by leading journalism to its best possible future in the 21st century. They focus on funding Media Innovation, Journalistic Excellence, and Freedom of Expression.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Knight Foundation

Here's What We Know About Meghan Markle's Giving
Foundation: Carnegie Corporation of New York, MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Lumina Foundation, Ford Foundation, Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Simons Foundation

Archewell's work spans a range of issue areas that mostly track with Meghan's charitable interests before her marriage.Meghan served as patron to four organizations: the National Theatre, the...more

Philanthropic Commitment to Scale and Accelerate Regenerative and Agroecological Food ...
Foundation: Initiative Foundation, Knight Foundation, Oak Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Walton Family Foundation

RAFT is a collaborative initiative between 32 philanthropic partners aiming to accelerate and scale regenerative and agroecological approaches to transform global food systems.By leveraging...more

Accelerating Philanthropy – An update from Maribel Pérez Wadsworth - Knight Foundation
Foundation: Knight Foundation

RAFT is a collaborative initiative between 32 philanthropic partners aiming to accelerate and scale regenerative and agroecological approaches to transform global food systems.By leveraging...more

Foundations invest $6 million in new fund to support local journalism in Minnesota
Foundation: Knight Foundation, Bush Foundation, McKnight Foundation

RAFT is a collaborative initiative between 32 philanthropic partners aiming to accelerate and scale regenerative and agroecological approaches to transform global food systems.By leveraging...more

Mdc'S Miami Tech Works to Lead Workforce Development Component of the South Florida ...
Foundation: Knight Foundation

The US Department of Commerce has awarded $19.5 million to a new tech hub in South Florida designed to create 23,000 new high-paying jobs over the next decade. The ClimateReady Tech Hub is a...more

Department of Commerce Funds South Florida Climateready Tech Hub
Foundation: Knight Foundation

The US Department of Commerce has announced $19 million in funding for the South Florida ClimateReady Tech Hub, one of 12 " Tech Hubs" across the country designed to advance new technologies in...more

The Ap Is Setting up A Sister Organization Seeking Grants to Support Local and State News
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation

The AP is setting up a sister organization seeking grants to support local and state news."We feel we have to lean in at this point, not pull back," said Daisy Veerasingham, the AP's president and...more

Walker Art Center Reexamines Relationship between Art, Commerce
Foundation: Knight Foundation

"Art has gotten a lot more arbitrary," Lyndel King, the retired director of the University of Minnesota's Weisman Art Museum, tells the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "It's a secret...more

Press Forward Alaska: Philanthropic Support For Local Journalism
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Alaska Community Foundation

Press Forward Alaska is the first statewide chapter of a nationwide initiative launched last November.In Alaska, the local philanthropic partner is the Atwood Foundation, a charity endowed by the...more

Big Philanthropy to the Rescue? Think Again.
Foundation: Carnegie Corporation of New York, MacArthur Foundation

America's mega-donors are putting their money where their mouth is in an effort to save our democracy, the New York Times reports. "Big Philanthropy is casting itself in the role of superhero,"...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Social Entrepreneurship

Wealthy Resource Generation: Tax Us More!

Resource Generation, a group of young people who grew up wealthy, wish to give something back. They published a letter this week that implies advocacy and participation in structural change that will ultimately improve the resourcing of schools in Pennsylvania.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders