DTE Energy Foundation

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Twitter - @dte_energy

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Recent News from DTE Energy Foundation

$1 million in 'Holiday Help' awarded by DTE Energy Foundation | WOODTV.com
Foundation: Community Foundation of St. Clair County, DTE Energy Foundation

Community Foundation of St. Clair County will use their money to help local pantries prepare for the extra needs during the holidays –...more

DTE Energy Foundation awards more than $1 million in 'Holiday Help' grants to support ...
Foundation: Community Foundation of St. Clair County, DTE Energy Foundation

Grant recipients include The Children's Foundation, Community Foundation of St. Clair County, Feeding America West Michigan, Forgotten...more

Domestic violence shelter receives grant - Grand Rapids Business Journal
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation

The YWCA West Central Michigan was one of the 45 domestic violence shelters in the state to receive grants from the DTE Energy Foundation...more

Dbusiness Daily Update: Dte Energy Foundation Awards $1.25M to Seven Michigan ...
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation, Kresge Foundation

DTE Energy Foundation Awards $1.25M to Seven Michigan Cultural Institutions.Bank of America celebrates its annual Day of Giving in Detroit by committing more than $6 million in grants to more than 65...more

Village Of Milford Awarded Grant Funds To Plant Trees
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation

This year's individual grants range in size from $1,800 to $4,000. President Lynette Dowler said, “The DTE Energy Foundation looks forward to...more

MOMENTUM: Grants, loans help many small businesses
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation, Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation, Leelanau Township Community Foundation

Local community foundations chipped in: Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation, Petoskey-Harbor Springs Community...more

Detroit Means Business coalition raises $1 million, seeks more funding for 10 big equity goals
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation

Fund, Lear Corp. and the DEGC. DTE Energy Foundation has given $500,000, DTE CEO Jerry Norcia announced on Tuesday. More is needed,...more

CHOICES receives not one, but two grants
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation

The DTE Energy Foundation recently announced it would award $1 million in grants to 45 domestic violence shelters funded by the...more

Regional resiliency fund awards grants to Leelanau Township businesses
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation, Leelanau Township Community Foundation

As with all of our Regional Resiliency Fund grants, we relied on local leaders; in this case, the community foundation board members, to review...more

Regional Resiliency Fund Grants $83000 to Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
Foundation: DTE Energy Foundation

The Regional Resiliency Fund was created in June from a grant of $200,000 from the Consumers Energy Foundation to Venture North to help...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Social Entrepreneurship

The Social Innovators of 2014

For 2014, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship has recognized 37 individuals for their outstanding work in the field of social enterprise.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders