Tides Foundation

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Tides Foundation

Reevaluate Your Brand to Appeal to Next-Gen Donors
Foundation: Global Fund for Women, Tides Foundation

Millennials and Gen Zers are giving more money to charities than ever before, and nonprofits need to appeal to them in a big way, writes Adrian Power at NonProfit PRO. "In order to earn even one...more

Billionaire-Backed Philanthropy Network Vows No Future Grants to Palestinian Terror-Tied Group
Foundation: Marguerite Casey Foundation, Marguerite Casey Foundation, Foundation to Promote Open Society, Ford Foundation, Tides Foundation

A "progressive" charity linked to Palestinian terror is getting the boot from four major payment processors over its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Per the Washington...more

Tammany Hall 2.0: Priorities Usa
Foundation: Ford Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Tides Foundation, Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund

President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order designed to streamline the process for registering to vote and purging voter rolls, the New York Times reports. The order is the result of a...more

(BPRW) Frontline Resource Institute Announces Recipients of Inaugural Grants Totaling ...
Foundation: Tides Foundation

FRI launched in January 2022 and released its inaugural grant cycle in partnership with the Tides Foundation in August...more

Blueing Kansas - The American Conservative
Foundation: Kansas Health Foundation, Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, Tides Foundation

At the scheme's center is the Kansas Health Foundation, a “social justice” advocacy ... The foundation's list of requirements for grants smacks...more

Tides Advancing Girls Fund, Purpose, Strategies and Guiding Principles
Foundation: Tides Foundation

Adolescent girls and young women* of color are driving change, from their households to the forefront of social movements around the world. The Advancing Girls Fund supports their leadership,...more

12 Groups Behind Protest of Musk's Twitter Takeover Have Ties With Gates Foundation, Soros
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Tides Foundation, Open Society Foundations

The New Venture Fund, the recipient of more than $500 million in grants from the Gates Foundation since 2012, in 2020 gave $180,000 in total...more

New Data Tells Us Where Donor-Advised Fund Dollars Go—And Don't Go - Non Profit News
Foundation: Tides Foundation, National Philanthropic Trust

According to the National Philanthropic Trust, even as donations from DAFs in 2020 hit a record $34.67 billion, contributions to DAFs were an...more

Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Wins Grant for Clean Lucketts Drinking Water - Loudoun Now
Foundation: Tides Foundation

The Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy has received a $41,432 grant from the Tides Foundation, on the recommendation of the Google Data Centers...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders