Since 1963, the Community Foundation has been an agent for positive change in the Ann Arbor community. Education, health care, basic human services, transportation, the arts, youth and senior programs - it would be hard to think of even one aspect of life or one segment of the population that has not benefited from grants made by the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation.
If voters in the small town of Dexter, Mich., approve a 0.25-mill tax on Aug. 2, the Dexter Senior Center will be able to continue its 50-year run of providing a wide range of programs and services...more
If you're a startup founder in Michigan, you're in luck: A new nonprofit aims to connect you with other like-minded entrepreneurs across the state, the Detroit Free Press reports.
"Our mission is...more
DCF is a permanent endowment fund established in 2014 at the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation. DCF is dedicated to addressing community needs...more
... Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation and Ypsilanti/Willow Run Chapter of the NAACP. Dulin also served as an adviser to former Vice President Al...more