Usda and Ffar Announce Innovation Challenge Projects Aimed at Catalyzing ...

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The US Department of Agriculture has announced $1.15 million in funding for three "highly creative and promising projects" designed to "transform agriculture," the Washington Post reports.

Columbia University, the University of British Columbia, and From the Land, LLC will each receive $500,000 for their "groundbreaking project ideas and potential impacts to transform agriculture," according to a USDA press release.

The projects are: From the Land, LLC's project will enrich mealworms to increase the quantity of essential fats in poultry feed, thereby increasing the quality of essential fats in poultry products including chicken and eggs.

Columbia University's project, in partnership with the University of Puerto Rico, will support historically underserved producers in Puerto Rico in cultivating climate-resilient and heritage rice with sustainable management practices while creating new local market opportunities.

University of British Columbia's project, in collaboration with USDA's Agricultural Research Service, will develop a novel, nutrient-dense and climate-smart coating during the post-harvest process to increase access to and availability of highly perishable fresh produce.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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