The good news: Allen County, Indiana, has the lowest infant mortality rate in the country at 6.8 per 1,000 births, according to a new report.
The bad news: It's the same as last year.
The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne has released its first update to the Leta-Healthy Rise Dashboard, which tracks data on the county's well-being in five key areas: safety, inspiring places, everyone's economy, lifelong learning, and healthy mind and body.
The dashboard was debuted in December 2022 and is intended to be a one-stop spot for data on the community, notes the News-Sentinel.
Many of the data points are based on surveys conducted by SurveyUSA of 431 Allen County residents in February.
That is one data point that gave mixed feedback, as it increased for rural residents and decreased slightly for those living in urban and suburban areas, the dashboard says.
For the economy section, 10% of residents surveyed said they think they'll financially fare the same or better this year than they did last year.
That marks a 5% decrease from the data presented last year.
The dashboard also shows a $219 increase in average monthly rent in Allen County from 2016 to 2021, according to data from the Indiana Housing and Community
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