"It helped me see that I can help guide, encourage, and...
connect with my children to be who they are meant to be in this world."
So says one mom of a 9-year-old who's now thriving after attending a resiliency program in Canada.
Per the CBC, Sarah MacKay of Muskoka Family Focus in Bracebridge, Ontario, says the Bounce Back and Thrive program taught her how to use strategies to manage her child's responses to bullying, depression, and anxiety.
"It helped me see that I can help guide, encourage, and...
connect with my children to be who they are meant to be in this world," she says.
MacKay says more than 100 parents in the Muskoka area attended the program, which is run by Children's Place and MFF.
It's a three-year, $173,400 grant that allowed MFF to provide training and workshops, as well as help with staffing and administrative costs.
A two-year, $190,100 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation earlier this year allowed MFF to create a long-term sustainability plan for its parent education programming.
"One hundred per cent of the participants reported that Bounce Back and Thrive had impacted their parenting, giving examples like: 'It helped me see
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