Amy Kwakya-Amoah is a 17-year-old senior at Out-of-Door Academy in Florida.
She's also the Youth Humanitarian of the Year for her volunteer work with Healthy Teens, a community education program that provides teens with peer mentors.
The teens complete a six-week training to learn how to be mentors.
"I think stress and anxiety are the major issues teens are facing today," Kwakya-Amoah tells the Bradenton Herald.
"You have social media.
You have substance abuse.
They're trying to disassociate from the problems they're facing."
Kwakya-Amoah says the program is successful because of its relatability.
The teen volunteers complete a six-week training to learn how to be mentors.
They related to other teens simply because they are peers.
"I think stress and anxiety are the major issues teens are facing today," Kwakya-Amoah says.
"You have social media.
You have substance abuse.
They're trying to disassociate from the problems they're facing."
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