Johns Hopkins to Host Conversation with Becton Dickinson Ceo Tom Polen

Foundation: Becton, Dickinson and Company

credit: toddbfreese

"Health care innovation is a key differentiator in access to, and quality of, care," Alexander Triantis, dean of the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, says in a press release.

"This conversation is a rare opportunity to hear how one alumnus is leading it all."

That alumnus is Tom Polen, CEO of medical technology company Becton, Dickinson and Company and a graduate of the school's MBA program, the Baltimore Sun reports.

Triantis will be hosting a virtual conversation with Polen on Nov.

7 as part of the Johns Hopkins Health Policy Forum.

Topics for the discussion will include how BD is transforming health care delivery and chronic disease outcomes, how the company addresses unmet needs in health care, and what it takes to keep health care secure in the supply chain.

Polen, who received his MBA from Johns Hopkins, has been with BD since 2009.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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