If you're planning on attending college in the fall, now's the time to get your application in.
The Community Foundation of Sarasota County is now accepting applications for its 2023-2024 scholarship cycle, which awards more than 88 scholarships to students in the area who plan on attending a post-high school educational or technical program, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports.
"By completing a single application, local students are considered for more than 88 scholarship funds," the foundation says on its website.
"The applications are reviewed by nearly 90 local community volunteers."
Last year, the foundation awarded more than $1 million in scholarships to nearly 300 applicants under the age of 24.
While many were just heading into college and career programs, many of recipients were already college students when they applied, underscoring the need for renewal of support in an inflation-riddled economy, the foundation notes.
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