The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, the Tacoma Whole Child Partnership, and Tacoma Public Schools address how school employees who work in a capacity often referred to as support staff can also play an important role in helping students learn and grow.
Fahren Johnson, GTCF Whole Child Senior Program Officer, said that "whether it's a bus driver, front office staff, kitchen staff, or recess supervisor, the way they show up and interact with kids can set a tone that creates that sense of belonging, safety, and confidence that our students need to thrive."
Johnson adds that the goal with the Whole Child Partnership is to "create a seamless current at each school, where every adult on campus is connected and working together to support our kids throughout the day in and out of the classroom."
With supportive adults, these "relationships buffer children from developmental disruption and help them develop resilience or the set of skills needed to respond to adversity and thrive."
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