Casey Family Programs

Casey Family Programs is the nation's largest operating foundation focused entirely on foster care and improving the child welfare system.

The Foundation was founded in 1966 and works to provide and improve the quality of foster care. The ultimately goal of the Foundation is to prevent the need for foster care in the United States.

As champions for change, Casey Family Programs is committed to its 2020 Strategy for America's Children with the goal of safely reducing the number of children in foster care and improve the lives of those who remain in care.

Web Address

Social Media Links

Twitter - @CaseyPrograms

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Casey Family Programs

JooYeun Chang to Be Next Program Director for Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Child ...
Foundation: Casey Family Programs, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

“Her deep experience combined with an innovative outlook will build on an ... Foundation's Child Well-being Program aims to promote...more

Women, minorities manage 17% of major foundations' assets ::
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Knight Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Tulsa Community Foundation

By ALEX DANIELS of The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Chronicle of Philanthropy. Less than 20% of the assets held by major foundations is invested by...more

Women, minorities manage 17% of major foundations' assets | National |
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Knight Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Tulsa Community Foundation

The Gates Foundation, the largest private philanthropy in the United States with about $50 billion in assets, participated, but the study did not...more

Women, Minorities Manage Only 17% Of Major Foundations' Assets
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Knight Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Tulsa Community Foundation

Less than 20% of the assets held by major foundations is invested by outside firms run by women or people of color, according to a report released Thursday. The report found that 30 of the largest...more

Alliance For Education Helps Secure $1.86 Million To Support SPS Black Male Achievement
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Boeing Company, Seattle Foundation

“It has been inspiring to see Seattle's philanthropic community come together in support of the Department of African American Male Achievement,”...more

Foundation Adrift: The History of Casey's Philanthropy
Foundation: Casey Family Programs, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ford Foundation

Foundation Adrift: The History of Casey's Philanthropy ... it was not enough to protect Mr. Casey's legacy from the philanthropic sector's strong...more

Foundation Adrift: The Annie E. Casey Foundation's Future
Foundation: Casey Family Programs, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, Annie E. Casey Foundation, UPS Foundation

... Foundation | The History of Casey's Philanthropy | The Casey Foundation Today | The Annie E. ... But his philanthropic vision was severely...more

Foundation Adrift: The Aimlessness of the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Foundation: Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation

Foundation Adrift (full series). The Aimlessness of the Annie E. Casey Foundation | The History of Casey's Philanthropy | The Casey Foundation...more

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders