Moody Foundation was established to benefit in perpetuity present and future generation of Texans. It was established by W. L. Moody Jr. and his wife, Libbie Rice.
The foundation continues to focus most of its projects which include the Foundation-initiated projects at Moody Gardens and the Transitional Learning Center.
Beyond Galveston, the foundation's historic base, they primarily award grants in Austin and Dallas, with emphasis on education, social services, children's needs, and community development.
The Mossom Creek Hatchery in Port Moody was provided a $100,000 grant from the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) for uts rebuilding process following the disastrous fire last year.
Construction work...more
The Moody Foundation is a charitable organization that makes grants primarily in Austin, Galveston and Dallas, with an emphasis on education, social...more
The Moody Foundation has committed $25.5-million to the University of Texas Medical Branch for research and hospital construction.
The planned Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston is slated to open...more
The Port Moody Foundation is calling for letters of interest from nonprofit organizations that need financial support in 2012 for their porjects and programs that will benefit the Port Moody...more
The Port Moody FOundaiton has awarded grants totaling over $5,000 to support programs ranging from music bursaries, history projects, and facility upgrades to workshops and drop-in programs for...more