Sierra Health Foundation

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Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Sierra Health Foundation

Transitions: Mission Impossible accomplished – the Hospice House
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation, Ford Family Foundation, McConnell Foundation

Foundation grants were obtained from The Ford Family Foundation, the McConnell Foundation, and the Sierra Health Foundation. The property...more

Mommy & Me Healthy Start Recieves Grant From The Sierra Health Foundation
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation

These funds will support the Mommy & Me “Breaking Generational Cycles” workshop series, a project designed to improve maternal/child outcomes...more

Investing their time: Dozens of Bay Area-based philanthropic organizations tour Stockton
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Sierra Health Foundation, California Endowment, Women's Foundation of California, Latino Community Foundation

Investing their time: Dozens of Bay Area-based philanthropic organizations tour ... Also on hand were representatives from less well-known philanthropic ... leaders,” said Berit Ashla, representing...more

Despite being denied by city council, Fresno gets legal fund for undocumented after all
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation, Latino Community Foundation

With the help of the Latino Community Foundation, the Sierra Health Foundation, Wells Fargo and “several individual Fresnans,” the fund has...more

Foundation's $60K grant reduces Meals on Wheels deficit
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation

In addition to the $60,000 grant, the agency also recently received a $15,000 grant from the Sierra Health Foundation. That brings the remaining...more

$15K grant will help Meals on Wheels program
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation

“We are very excited about this grant award and very grateful to the Sierra Health Foundation for their generous financial support,” said Sierra...more

Irvine Foundation Awards $10.5 Million in October Grants
Foundation: Barr Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Sierra Health Foundation, James Irvine Foundation, Irvine Foundation

The James Irvine Foundation has announced fourteen grants totaling $10.5 million to organizations working to expand opportunity for...more

Stockton emerging as public health model for toxic stress intervention
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation

The Healthier Community Coalition, which brings together health care, government and community groups, received an $850,000 grant from...more

Toxic stress is a killer — what can we do about it?
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation, California Endowment

As research emerges about the health impacts of childhood trauma, more public ... released a report this year calling toxic stress a “hidden health crisis. ... The department received a $517,000...more

How a $750000 grant could help transform state's juvenile justice system
Foundation: Sierra Health Foundation, California Endowment, Zellerbach Family Foundation, California Wellness Foundation

In phase one of the initiative, which was rolled out in 2012, six counties received $75,000 grants to create plans focusing on “crossover youth,”...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Social Entrepreneurship

Social Enterprise Piles Textbooks for Change

Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders