The DeKalb County Community Foundation provides donors with a way to create permanent support for the charitable projects they care about. Our donors invest in the community?s future by coming to us to establish charitable endowment funds. Their gifts are never spent but are invested for growth and income. Each year part of the fund?s growth is returned to the community in the form of grants for charitable projects and programs. And each year a portion of the fund?s growth is reinvested in the fund to ensure that the fund grows with inflation.
Bob Shipman (right), executive director of Opportunity House, is presented with a $25,000 check from the Linda Heinisch estate to the Opportunity House Endowment Fund at the DeKalb County Community...more
DeKALB – DeKalb County Community Gardens' new Grow Mobile vehicle is displaying logos of local businesses and organizations. Each year, DCCG provides fresh fruits and vegetables to thousands of...more
At a recent club meeting, the Sycamore Lions Club presented Joshua Goff, a second-year nursing student at Kishwaukee College, with a check for $500, the proceeds from their Jack Schrout Memorial...more
Sycamore – The Turner Family Charitable Fund has been established at the DeKalb County Community Foundation. This new donor-advised fund will allow the Turner family to support needs in the...more
The DeKalb County Community Foundation recently announced the creation of the Turner Family Charitable Fund. This new donor-advised fund will allow the Turner family to support needs in the community...more
Foundation grant programs currently seeking applications include Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP) Grants (due by Feb. 1), Community Needs Grants (due by March 1), and Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation...more
The DeKalb County Community Foundation has awarded $2,988 in Promise Grants to benefit three local organizations for a variety of programs and projects. Promise Grants provide support to charitable...more
The College of Visual and Performing Arts always is looking for scholarships to help aid students with financial needs. The DeKalb County Community Foundation gifted a $5,000 grant to NIU's School of...more
A list of eight socially conscious dress shoes has been collected and provided by CauseArtist, a news site that feature brands, people,and products that are creating social good in the world of business and fashion.