The James Irvine Foundation was established in 1937 by James Irvine himself as a primary stockholder of The Irvine Company.
The guiding principle of the foundation is the idea of expanding opportunity.
The goals of the foundation is to advance the educational and economic prospects of low-income Californians to share in and create California's prosperity; to engage a broad cross section of Californians in the civic and cultural life of their communities and the state; to enhance mutual understanding and communication among diverse, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups; and enrich the state's intellectual and creative environment.
The US Hispanic unemployment rate was more than three percentage points higher than the white unemployment rate in December, and the Hispanic or Latino unemployment rate was more than four percentage...more
The funding provides support to Black-led, Black-empowering and Black-serving organizations in the Inland Empire.The fund has received significant support from The California Endowment, The James...more
The San Francisco Public Press, a 12-year-old independent nonprofit news ... on the design and execution of a growing, diversified fundraising strategy. ... work with the Public Press's management...more
A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.