Breakthrough Junior Challenge – Sponsor: Breakthrough Prize Foundation – Amount: Up ... THE GATES SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS – The Gates Scholarship will fund...more
Dell Foundation gives $125-130 million every year, a total of $1.6 billion as of 2019 for around 3,000 projects. Once a district has garnered a Dell...more
As parents struggle to work with their children at home due to school ... improve learning, and reduce the burden of child care during the pandemic. ... The COVID-19 pandemic has forced education...more
... to the bottom 100 million children in India at an affordable price point, done in a viable manner, is a tough social entrepreneurship problem to...more
How Covid-19 will affect impact investing in India. Geeta Goel, country director, India, of the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, talks about the need...more
As per the study, impact investing has seen strong growth with $10.8 billion of equity capital flowing into the sector over the past decade, clipping...more
The paper illustrates the footprint generated by impact investment funds in India, ... This new space is known as 'impact investing' or 'social impact investing'. ... Impact investment can be defined...more
Gabz Gardner, known for being a contestant on Britain’s Got Talent and Stevenage resident, opens the Greenside Studio to give opportunities to Greenside School students to sell sweets, while learning essential work skills.