There is no other country in the world with a tradition of philanthropy as strong as the United States, and Albuquerque Community Foundation (ACF) has a special place in its community's philanthropy. ACF is a partnership of donors, nonprofit organizations, and the community working together to find solutions to pressing community needs.
The foundation administers a permanent endowment comprised of many gifts, large and small, and use the earnings from that endowment to make grants to nonprofit organizations and educational institutions, and scholarships for students to continue their education.
The Santa Fe Community Foundation has announced its Piñon Award recipients for 2021. Each of the recipients received a $4,000 unrestricted grant...more
... far include Albuquerque Community Foundation, Wells Fargo Bank, Anchorum St. Vincent, ... Santa Fe Community Foundation, Native American Advised...more
The Albuquerque Community Foundation collected about $3 million from business leaders across the Metro for a public safety grant. That grant will...more
How do two of the state's largest philanthropic institutions authentically respond and shift based on what we learned by listening to the community? It is time to take a deep look at our institutions...more
Philanthropy industry under threat ... Lopez both said they suspect the unprecedented challenges facing the philanthropic industry may lead to a...more