The Kresge Foundation

The Kresge Foundation is a private, national foundation based in Detroit was established since 1924 by Sebastian Spering Kresge.

The foundation supports seven specifically defined programs: Arts and Culture, Community Development, Detroit, Education, Health, and Human Services. They partner with those organizations and individuals commited to the needs of poor people and communities.

The hallmark of their work as a foundation is creating opportunities for low-income people.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Kresge Foundation

Hope Starts With Investing in Early Childhood Education
Foundation: Kresge Foundation, Kellogg Foundation

A 2023 "True Cost of Care" report found that Michigan child care providers earned an average salary of just $23,020 in 2019.The State of Michigan would need to invest an additional $2.2 billion in...more

Vision, momentum, and the arts in 2025 | Michigan Today
Foundation: Kresge Foundation

A 2023 "True Cost of Care" report found that Michigan child care providers earned an average salary of just $23,020 in 2019.The State of Michigan would need to invest an additional $2.2 billion in...more

Kresge Foundation Seeking Investment Director
Foundation: Kresge Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation

Kresge Foundation is seeking an investment director who will focus on public market investments.The 100-year-old organization deploys grants and social impact investments across arts and culture,...more

How This 100-Year-Old Foundation Helped Save Detroit
Foundation: Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Kresge Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation

Detroit's Kresge Foundation turned 100 this month, and while the foundation's $4.3 billion endowment is sizable, it's less than a tenth of the size of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, per...more

The Impact World This Week: 16 May 2024
Foundation: Kresge Foundation

The US is home to more B-Corps than any other country, with more than 2,000 companies now B-Corps, or socially responsible companies, according to the B Lab, a nonprofit that runs the certification...more

Momentus Capital Closes $171 Million Equitable Prosperity Fund
Foundation: Marguerite Casey Foundation, Marguerite Casey Foundation, Kresge Foundation

Stephen Stephens' father died of cancer when he was 53, and his message to young people has stayed with him. "Always do the right thing son," he tells Fast Company. "That message has always...more

How This Big Arts Show Across 18 U.S. Locations Can Help Health
Foundation: Kresge Foundation, Tow Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies

"There's no real reason why the arts, health, and science shouldn't be much more highly integrated," says Lear deBessonet, a Tony-nominated theater director and co-director of the One Nation One...more

Kresge Foundation to Commemorate Its Centennial in 2024
Foundation: Kresge Foundation

In 1924, Sebastian Kresge founded the Kresge Foundation, "one of the oldest foundations in the United States, and the largest in Detroit," as the Detroit Free Press puts it. Today, the foundation...more

National Arts Summit Explores the Transformative Power of Culture in Our Communities
Foundation: Barr Foundation, Knight Foundation, Heinz Endowments, Joyce Foundation, Kresge Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Hewlett Foundation

"At this moment marked by threats to our democracy, the arts and humanities are an asset to our country that allows us to understand each other better," Maria Rosario Jackson, chair of the National...more

Mayor Joins Community Leaders, Donors to Celebrate $4M Renovation of Clark Park ...
Foundation: Kresge Foundation

Detroit's Clark Park has a new splash pad, sports courts, playground, picnic shelter, and moreand it's all thanks to some generous donors and community input, the Detroit Free Press...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

DIGDEEP Water, a human rights organization founded by  international human rights lawyer George McGraw, designs water access projects. This holiday season, DIGDEEP is bringing reliable clean water access to over 250 homes through its Navajo Water Project, in partnership with St. Bonaventure Indian Mission in Thoreau, NM.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders