Houston Endowment was established on September 25, 1937 by Jesse and Mary Gibbs Jones to help create and develop instutions and organizations that would nurture the people of Houston and encourage growth of the city.
Since 1937, the endowment intend to support and improve education, human services, health, arts and culture, and the environment for the people of the greater Houston.
Over the years, the endowment has contributed over $2.5 billion to fulfill the vision of Joneses of a vibrant community where the opportunity to thrive is available to all.
The Cultural Treasure Accelerator is an initiative aiming to highlight and support organizations led by black, Indigenous, and people of color.The initiative provides an organization with the grant...more
Houston Endowment (HE), a leading philanthropic organization based in Houston, Texas, has launched a global search for an outstanding design team of architects and landscape architects for the...more
The project is administered through Arts Connect, a citywide collective impact ... As part of the 2018-2019 scope of work, Arts Connect will be supporting ... in part by grants from the City of...more
Florence Norman founded Sweet Cavanagh, an award-winning peer-led aftercare social enterprise based in Notting Hill. The company hires women and trains them how to make and design jewelry. However, these women are in the process of recovering from eating disorders and addictions.