The Annie E. Casey Foundation  

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a private charitable organization established in 1938 by Jim Casey and his siblings. They are dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the united states.

The mission of the foundation is to foster public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today's vulnerable children.

The grant making of the Annie E. Casey Foundation is limited to initiatives in the United States that have significant potential to demonstrate innovative policy, service delivery, and community supports for disadvantaged children and families.

Foundation Grants and Resources


Recent News from Annie E. Casey Foundation

Arkansas Commission to Award Grants Aimed at Food Desert Elimination
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation

"Arkansas is now ranked #1 in food insecurity and every county in the state now has at least 1 food desert, so providing these funds to organizations doing this targeted work will certainly be...more

Building A Racial Justice Fund In Greater Atlanta
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Pittsburgh Foundation

"To solve groundwater problems, we need groundwater solutions," Kim Addie and Katrina Mitchell write in an op-ed for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That's the message they're trying to convey...more

Baltimore at center of Biden administration strategy being announced today to try to curb gun ...
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation

The community effort is also to be supported by charities, foundations and other organizations, including the Annie E. Casey Foundation in...more

B'More Invested, a collaboration between Baltimore foundations, announces first grant recipients
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore Community Foundation

Other foundations that provided funding included major names like the Baltimore Community Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation,...more

REDF Impact Investing Fund December Newsletter
Foundation: REDF, Annie E. Casey Foundation

RIIF Receives $2 Million PRI from the Annie E. Casey Foundation Representing LArgets Investment To Date. We are excited to announce that RIIF...more

Philly gets grant to help protect residents from schemes taking advantage of pandemic
Foundation: Annie E. Casey Foundation

Mitch Little of the Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity is overseeing the effort funded by a grant from the Annie E. Casey...more

More Catalytic Capital: A New $33M Guarantee Pool Aims to Encourage Community Investment
Foundation: Jessie Ball duPont Fund, Annie E. Casey Foundation, California Endowment, Kresge Foundation, Seattle Foundation, Weingart Foundation

A new $33M Guarantee Pool Aims To Encourage Community Investment.To boost investments in areas deemed too risky by most traditional financial folks, foundations and other like-minded impact investors...more

Foundation Adrift: The History of Casey's Philanthropy
Foundation: Casey Family Programs, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ford Foundation

Foundation Adrift: The History of Casey's Philanthropy ... it was not enough to protect Mr. Casey's legacy from the philanthropic sector's strong...more

Foundation Adrift: The Annie E. Casey Foundation's Future
Foundation: Casey Family Programs, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, Annie E. Casey Foundation, UPS Foundation

... Foundation | The History of Casey's Philanthropy | The Casey Foundation Today | The Annie E. ... But his philanthropic vision was severely...more

Foundation Adrift: The Aimlessness of the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Foundation: Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation

Foundation Adrift (full series). The Aimlessness of the Annie E. Casey Foundation | The History of Casey's Philanthropy | The Casey Foundation...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Tom’s, the social enterprise popular for its shoes, has released a pair of shoes and a pair of shades to benefit Make It Right, a nonprofit founded by Brad Pitt in 2007 that builds affordable, green homes, buildings and communities for underserved and low-income populations.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders