"We offer a two-week learn to sail class and learn to race class every fall and so this is the culmination for those who just graduated from the class in the fall to participate on a big time level," says Linda Tiffin, co-chair of the Florida Women's Sailing Association's 50th anniversary Rainbow Regatta, set for April 10 and 11 in Sarasota Bay.
About 100 women between the ages of 25 and 80 will compete in the self-supported event, which is open to all sailors of the FWSA, reports the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
"There are different of prizes so our newest sailors are not necessarily competing against our more experienced sailorsthey're competing against one another and we give several awards based on experience, based on age and based on the type of boat," says Tiffin.
"It's also a chance for great camaraderie, socializing, and competition amongst the 11 clubs across the state," adds Tiffin.
The event is one source of fundraising for the nonprofit, which promotes and encourages the growth of women's sailing groups in the state.
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