The Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation helps generous people build charitable legacies that make a difference today and in the future.

As Colorado's oldest and largest community foundation, it provides the expertise and leadership to help people give back to Metro Denver in ways that are meaningful -- to them and to the community.

Web Address

Social Media Links

Twitter - @tdfcommunity

Assets and Giving for Denver Foundation


2019 - 852,362,353
2018 - 711,115,822
2017 - 763,707,293
2016 - 665,989,825
Domestic Grants

2019 - 97,201,143
2018 - 78,717,396
2017 - 65,676,891


Recent News from Denver Foundation

Caring For Denver Foundation reaches $100 million milestone in grants awarded to nonprofits
Foundation: Denver Foundation

In 2014, voters in Denver, Colo., approved a half-cent sales tax to fund mental health and substance misuse programs. Since then, the Caring for Denver Foundation has awarded more than $109...more

Knight Foundation Leader to Retire, Leaving a Powerful Legacy - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Foundation: MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Denver Foundation, Ford Foundation

Alberto Ibargüen made an indelible mark by helping to save Detroit, boost the arts in Miami, and keep journalism alive and well in the...more

The Latino Cultural Arts Center Has Big Plans to Show Denver—and the World—What Its ...
Foundation: Denver Foundation, Latino Community Foundation

The LCAC launched its ofrendas program in 2020 with $15,000; the public could buy altar kits filled with pieces handmade by artisans in Denver,...more

Global Citizen Promotes Chief Operating Officer to President
Foundation: Rose Community Foundation, Denver Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Victoria Foundation

Ben Garcia is the new director of the American LGBTQ+ Museum, set to open in 2024 in Los Angeles, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Garcia, who will be the museum's first executive director,...more

Denver offers grants for groups, businesses in priority neighborhoods
Foundation: Denver Foundation

The program, in partnership with The Denver Foundation, provides grants from $500 to $10,000. Applications opened last week and close on Aug....more

NONPROFIT REGISTER | Denver Foundation partners with city agency to award grants aimed at ...
Foundation: Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation is a community foundation whose purpose is to inspire people and mobilize resources to improve life in metro Denver. It...more

NONPROFIT REGISTER | The Denver Basis works with town company to offer grants to enhance ...

The scholarship program prioritizes community-led effort or work that permits a robust part of group management. The main focus is on selling...more

Boulder arts groups get COVID-19 relief funding
Foundation: Denver Foundation

Create Boulder, Bonfils-Stanton Foundation and The Denver Foundation have issued $123,500 in COVID-19 relief grants to 10 Boulder area...more

Q & A with Kelly Dunkin | Foundation CEO helps connect communities, guides Colorado Gives
Foundation: Rose Community Foundation, Denver Foundation

In partnership with Denver Foundation and the Rose Community Foundation, we launched the Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund, with...more

Social Enterprise Network Sites

Australia’s Melbourne City Mission Chief Executive Officer Ric Holland writes how philanthropy can act as an enabler on many levels.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders