Southern Education Foundation Grant

Organization - Southern Education Foundation
Grant Amount - $140,000
Foundation - Mott Foundation
Grant Purpose - This grant will provide renewal support for the Southern Education Foundation's Education Summers Youth Leadership Initiative. This internship program will provide a multiracial, multiethnic group of 15 talented students enrolled in southern colleges and universities with valuable experiences in the fields of education, workforce preparedness, and economic growth. Placing interns in southern foundations engaged in cutting-edge work related to improving education for low-income students will be the target of Mott support. This will expose students to the way in which foundations make programming and grantmaking decisions, the array of nonprofit organizations involved in education-related grantmaking to help low income students, and career opportunities in the philanthropic sector. It will also have the added benefit of creating a diverse talent pool of excellent students who are interested in working at foundations and other types of nonprofit organizations.

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Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders